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Attention: If you've been struggling with a thyroid condition and you'd like to get to the root cause and get well, this is for you…
From the Desk of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
Dear Friend Seeking Balance & Health,

If you're here, it's likely your doctors have diagnosed you with a thyroid condition, or you suspect from your symptoms that your thyroid is in trouble, and you're looking for real solutions, not band-aids.

Before I go ANY further, I want you to know that it's not a life sentence, and there IS hope. 
Now, do any of the following sound familiar?
  • You live in a constant fog. You struggle to focus, and therefore, you rarely feel fully present. (What if there was a way to regain mental clarity?)
  • No matter what you do, you are exhausted. Whether you get a full night's sleep or great exercise, you feel constant fatigue. (Imagine restoring your energy so you could enjoy your favorite activities and people again!)
  • Depression is weighing you down. Your situation and circumstances haven't changed, but you can't seem to get out from under the feelings of sadness and despair. (Imagine lifting that weight and experiencing true joy again!)
  • You often struggle with digestive issues and constipation, and you're tired of feeling uncomfortable. (What if you could get your digestion back on track, naturally?)
  • Your stress levels are almost unbearable at times. You feel irritable and are prone to flying off the handle. (Wouldn't it be wonderful to feel like yourself again?)
  • You've been on thyroid medication for years, and you're still not feeling your best. (Imagine living life exactly as you want to – with new levels of energy and joy – and keeping your thyroid levels in balance!)
If any (or all) of these scenarios resonate, you are in the right place, and I have good news for you.
It's Time to Get Your Life Back.
Your endocrine system is the master controller of your body, and your thyroid is one of its major glands. A butterfly-shaped gland located in front of the windpipe and just below the larynx, your thyroid’s job is to regulate your metabolism—or your body's breakdown and conversion of food to energy. It does so by producing and releasing hormones, the most important of which are T3 and T4.

If your thyroid is under-functioning, you burn your fuel more slowly. You gain weight and feel sluggish. If it's over-functioning, you may be thin and wiry with a rapid heart rate and increased agitation.
A Growing Problem
Thyroid problems have become increasingly prevalent in the recent past. In fact, I consider them an epidemic. (In the 1950s, they were considered rare!)

Thanks to exposure to modern-day toxins and a hectic, stressful lifestyle, about 200 million people in the world now have some form of thyroid disease. Thyroid disorders are 4 to 7 times more common in women.

Plus, while a simple blood test can measure the hormone levels in your body, your results can fall in the "normal" range and still not be normal for you.
Faulty Solutions
Doctors often prescribe the synthetic hormone T4 to treat hypothyroidism. T4 is a storage hormone meant to convert to T3, the active hormone. This conversion is meant to happen mostly in your liver and your gut, plus a healthy thyroid produces about 10% T3.

Why is just taking T4 problematic?

The big problem with taking just T4 is that it's quite possible that your thyroid already produces enough of it, and the problem is in the conversion from T4 to T3.

Most doctors don't check to see if the conversion is happening efficiently. Because taking T4 does not mean you have enough T3, many people who take T4 medications continue to experience symptoms like depression, anxiety, weight gain, fatigue, aches and pains, high blood pressure, hair loss and more.

So then, doctors prescribe even more medications to "fix" these symptoms. But the root cause is still there. This situation may seem hopeless, but the truth is that when you discover the cause of your imbalanced thyroid, you can repair it naturally and effectively.
Getting to the Root of the Problem
Thyroid imbalances result from myriad causes, including autoimmune disorders, toxic exposures, digestive issues, leaky gut, an overburdened liver and so much more.

Discovering the root cause is imperative to taking the steps needed to restore balance.
Getting Your Life Back 
Once you've discovered the root cause of your thyroid imbalances, and taken the steps to repair the cause, you can finally get your life back.
  • You feel energetic and focused.
  • You feel calm and centered.
  • Your relationships thrive.
  • You are healthy and filled with JOY!
I'm here today to tell you that you CAN find natural solutions to your thyroid problems … solutions that may not require you to be on medication for the rest of your life.

Before I give you the details, though, I want to share my own story with you so you know how I'm qualified to help you.
I'm Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology.
I'm fiercely committed to transforming our current, broken disease-care system into a true health care system, where ALL practitioners are skilled at finding the root cause of health challenges, so they can combine the latest scientific research with ancient, natural healing wisdom to restore balance and provide lasting solutions to people like you!

I specialize in using nature's wisdom to restore balance to hormones with a special emphasis on thyroid, adrenal and insulin imbalances, and I teach this to other health professionals.

My goal is to empower my clients—and you—to take charge of their health using diet, lifestyle, herbs and supplements.

My passion for health and healing began as a result of my own bout with illness.
I was the archetypal overachiever. I worked long hours in the get-it-done-yesterday world, meeting what seemed like impossible deadlines and tackling incredibly long to-do lists like nobody's business.

Then I got sick. I was overworked and exhausted, and all I could do was wonder how I'd gotten to that point.

After recovering my health by changing what I put in my mouth and how I lived my life, I began my formal training in nutrition
and natural medicine in 1985. I'm now a Doctor of Chiropractic, with certification in acupuncture, a diplomat of the
American Clinical Board of Nutrition and a certified HeartMath™ instructor.

It is my passion and my mission to help people just like you – and anyone for whom you care – 
to rediscover the vitality, energy, and excitement of great health!

I've heard from so many people who are concerned about their thyroid, and that’s exactly why I’ve created a step-by-step program to help you understand how your thyroid works, and what you can do to restore balance and regain your energy and health.
… a fully-guided coaching program designed to walk you through exactly why you're experiencing thyroid problems - and how to fix them.
Here's just a taste of what you will learn:
Part 1: Thyroid Assessment
The first step in determining where your thyroid problems start is to understand exactly what your thyroid does. Here, we go over how to determine whether you have a problem and the underlying mechanism that's gone wrong. That allows us to know where to start in restoring balance. 

Tools for Healing:
  • A Detailed Thyroid Hormone and Gland Assessment (which you can complete again at any time to reassess and adjust your health plan if necessary).
  • A Thorough Hormone and Gland Assessment so you can determine which other hormones are interacting with your thyroid.
  • The Thyroid Temperature Tracking Sheet, designed to help you determine if you may be experiencing Wilson's Temperature Syndrome, a thyroid imbalance that often occurs along with normal blood tests.
  • Thyroid Lab Tests PDF, which guides you in which lab tests to ask for, depending on your assessment results.  
Part 2: How Your Thyroid Works
and What Can Go Wrong
You don't have to become an expert in your thyroid's physiology and biochemistry; however, it's important to understand how it works so you can take great care of it. Here, you learn exactly how this precious gland works and what can go wrong (causing the symptoms you're experiencing now).
Tools for Healing:
  • A Comprehensive List of Medications that may affect your thyroid, so that if you're taking them, you can discuss them with your doctor.
  • A List of the Major Types of Thyroid Imbalance so that you can identify the underlying cause of yours (there are actually over 20 different patterns!)
Part 3: Protecting Your Thyroid from Harm
You may not realize it, but in today's world, you're constantly exposed to elements that can harm your thyroid and put it off-balance. These include dietary elements as well as pesticides, nutrient imbalances, and stress, among others. Here you learn which nutrients you need, and exactly what to avoid, to protect your thyroid and help it function at maximum efficiency.

Tools for Healing:
  • Factors that Negatively Affect Thyroid PDF, which helps you determine the level of exposure you have to factors that negatively impact your thyroid. (When you're armed with this knowledge, you can then make a plan for reducing your toxic exposure.)
  • Hydration Action Plan PDF. Proper hydration is critical to hormone balance and overall health. This resource helps you establish an optimum hydration plan.
  • The Low-Down on Tap Water and Filtration Systems PDF, which guides you in selecting a filter for your drinking water.
  • Stress and Sleep Strategies to take some of the load off your thyroid.
  • Fitness Video Collection to help you move out the toxins and breathe fresh life into your thyroid.
Part 4: Foods, Herbs and
Nutrients for Thyroid Support
From vitamins and minerals to antioxidants and amino acids to herbs and foods, you have an arsenal of weapons at your disposal to fight off thyroid imbalances and achieve new levels of health. Here you learn what you should eat and include in your diet, and what you should avoid, as well as daily lifestyle habits that help you gain optimum health.
Tools for Healing:
  • Recipes, Food Prep Demonstration Videos and Other Resources designed to help you begin implementing what you learn in this section.
  • Creating a Healing Kitchen Resource Guide PDF for stocking your pantry with thyroid supportive foods and herbs.
  • Thyroid Health: Nutrition and Lifestyle Recommendations Checklists PDF for incorporating thyroid supportive herbs and foods into your meals.
Part 5: Evaluating Your Progress, Updating
Your Plan and Taking Charge of Success
This is where we bring all the steps together for a nourishing action plan that helps you balance your thyroid and heal your command gland!
Tools for Healing:
  • Thyroid Balancing Protocols PDF, which guides you in the appropriate diet, herb, lifestyle and supplement protocols to use depending on which type of thyroid imbalance you're experiencing.
  • Thyroid Balancing Recipe Collection and Menu Planning Guidelines to make meal planning a breeze - and lots of fun too.
Receive Everything You Need in Bite-Sized Chunks You Can do at Your Own Pace AND
get Transformational Coaching to Help You
Get into Action
It's a lot to cover, and you may be wondering how we're going to do all of this.

First of all, remember, I'm fiercely committed to helping you attain and maintain optimum levels of health, energy and joy.

Consider me your partner and your guide on this journey!
Register for Thyroid Revive and Thrive
and Receive:
  • 5 Online Modules, delivered via video to complete at your own pace.
  • Downloadable video and audio of each module lesson in Mp4 and Mp3 format
  • Transcripts of each core module lesson.
  • PDFs of the slides that accompany each video
  • Access to our private, interactive Facebook group, led by our amazing functional nutrition coaches. (I pop in and out, too!)
  • Tons of checklists, menu plans, recipes and guides to help you implement all the information you're learning.
  • And that's not all!
To sweeten the deal and ensure you get everything you need to transform your health and your life...

I'm adding in these powerful bonuses:
  • The Transforming Stress System
  • 2-Months FREE Access to our the Body Freedom Nutrition Lab, loaded with recipe and nutrition guides and assessments, plus a monthly live support call 
Now you're probably wondering how much this is going to cost.
Great question! Before we get into numbers, I'd like to ask YOU a few questions.
  • How much would it be worth to you to feel good again?
  • How much is it costing you to NOT be living to your full potential when it comes to energy, mental clarity, and joy?
  • How much would it be worth to be able to enjoy all the hobbies, vacations, activities and people you love without the limits that your thyroid imbalance puts on you?
  • How much would you SAVE, if you finally knew what was wrong, and exactly how to fix it, without spending money on lifelong medication?
  • Can you even put a price on this kind of life?
This program is the result of many years of research, hundreds of thousands of dollars in education, and thousands of hours of experience.
And bottom line is IT WORKS.

Countless people have gotten their lives back and paid thousands of dollars to work with me to get these results.

But today, I’m not going to charge you thousands of dollars.

In fact, you will be pleasantly surprised at how affordable we've decided to keep it.

We've priced this program at just $597.

That's about what it would cost for one visit to an endocrinologist, and likely you've been there and done that already without solutions.

Because we want to help as many people as possible, you can get the Thyroid Revive and Thrive program today for ONLY $497.

But there’s more. 
Because my goal is to get this program into the hands of as many people as possible....
Right now, for a limited time only, if you don’t have the full-payment price in your budget, you can get started with Thyroid Revive and Thrive for just $497 today (payment plan available).

Are you ready?
Do you still have a few questions?
Q: I'm struggling financially right now. How can I justify this expenditure?
A: How much are you spending on medication—and how much will you spend over the course of your lifetime? How much will it cost you to see your doctor over and over again as you try to fix your symptoms? How much are your health, energy and joy worth to you? This is a one-time investment – and a means to an end of your thyroid-related problems.
Q: I don't have much extra time. How can I justify spending the time
on this program when I'm so busy?
A: First of all, consider this: isn't your health worth the time investment this program requires? Secondly, when you do feel better – more focused and energetic – think about how much more efficient you'll be with everything you do. When you feel great, you'll find that you have more time to do the thing you love and the things that are most important to you.
Q: I'm afraid this won't work for me. Does it work for everyone?
A: Of course I can't guarantee your results. But what I CAN tell you is that this program is completely personalized. By completing the assessments and labs, and coming to the live calls and getting coached, you'll be able to determine the cause of your imbalances, and then use the charts and checklists to address those, specifically. So even if other treatments haven't worked for you, I believe this one can and will, if you do the work.
Q: I feel so unmotivated. How can I motivate myself to do the program?
A: Imagine your future. Fast forward 5, 10, 20 years and imagine feeling exactly the way you feel now. What will you have missed out on? Now, imagine feeling energetic, clear, focused and joyful. What will your life be like? You're at a crossroads. It's your choice as to where you end up.
So now are you ready?
Client Feedback

“Dr. Ritamarie is one of the most knowledgeable people I’ve ever met in the way of health, nutrition, and hormones.”

She knows things most doctors don’t know, and she makes it easy to understand. I’ve seen many of her clients transformed because of working with her.

If you have been told there’s no hope, Dr. Ritamarie’s the one to go to!

~ Michelle Melendez, Fitness Expert

“Thanks to Dr. Ritamarie and all I have learned in her wonderful programs, I have more energy at 53 than I had in my 20’s!”

Dr. Ritamarie and her programs have literally changed my body…and my life!
Before I found Dr. Ritamarie, I was 52, the mother of four daughters, and absolutely dreading the 2nd half of my life.

I say “2nd half” because NOW I truly feel as if the first 50 years of my life were spent preparing me to enjoy the adventure and excitement of my second 50 years. Dr. Ritamarie and her programs gave me the key – the missing pieces – to the puzzle of how to go from where I was to what I truly desired for myself.

Thanks to Dr. Ritamarie and all I have learned in her wonderful programs, I have more energy at 53 than I had in my 20’s!

My only regret is that I didn’t find Dr. Ritamarie earlier! In just six months of working with Dr. Ritamarie, I learned and was able to actually apply more valuable information than I had accumulated in over 20 years of independent and formal study!

Thank you, Dr. Ritamarie, for blessing not only me, but also my entire family with your years of experience and expertise. You truly are a pioneer in the field of self-empowering alternative health care!

~ Jan Chamberlain

Yes, Dr. Ritamarie! I'm ready for Thyroid Revive and Thrive!

I understand that for my one-time investment of $497, I receive:
  • 5 Online Modules, delivered via video, to complete at my own pace.
  • Downloadable transcript PDFs, video Mp4s, and audio Mp3s of each module lesson.
  • PDFs of the slides that accompany each video.
  • Access to a private, interactive Facebook group, led by our amazing functional nutrition coaches. (Dr. Ritamarie will pop in and out, too!)
  • Tons of checklists, menu planning ideas, recipes and guides to help me implement all the information I’m learning.
Plus the following BONUSES to make supporting your thyroid
  • The Transforming Stress System
  • 2-Months FREE Access to our Body Freedom Nutrition Lab that includes a monthly LIVE support call 
Payment Plan Available
Thyroid Revive and Thrive
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
You make this investment at no risk, because you're covered by my personal Satisfaction Guarantee. 

We are so confident that if you apply the information in this program, and if you give the strategies an honest effort, you'll see huge results in your life.  Take 30 days to learn and apply the tools we're sharing.  If you decide that the program is just not for you, simply email helpdesk@DrRitamarie.com and we'll issue a prompt refund, as long as the request is received within 30 days of the date on your invoice.   

Right now, you have a choice. You can take action, get educated and change your life … so you can live with greater clarity, energy and joy.

Or you can carry on exactly as you have been, soldiering through symptom after symptom and never feeling quite like yourself.

Which one will it be?

The choice is yours.

Love, Health and Joy,

Dr. Ritamarie

P.S.  You have the right to live a fulfilled, energetic life you love – and it all begins with achieving optimum health. Start here.

Medical Disclaimer: The information in this presentation is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
© 2007 - 2018 Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. MS, DC, CCN, DACBN All Rights Reserved.