ATTENTION: Exhausted high achievers looking to experience energy, mental clarity and healthy weight  
Finally... You Have the Power to End Belly Fat, Chronic Fatigue, Brain Fog, Mood Swings and Memory Loss. 
Turn up your speakers for an important message:
There's no reason to suffer in your body. It is completely avoidable.
I'm Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo and I'm Here To Help You Love the Way You Feel in Your Body
DO any of these RESONATE with you?
  • You starve yourself or slave away for hours at the gym - only to watch your waistline expand - inexplicably - month after month, and year after year. 
  • You find yourself chugging down coffee or other caffeinated beverages just to make it half-conscious through the day, and by 5pm you’re little more than a walking, talking zombie. 
  • You struggle to think clearly, and it may feel like you’re trudging through heavy mud with every thought… memory…  and ounce of mental effort. 
  • You follow diets religiously - even the exact same ones your friends rave about - only to watch them lose weight, while you keep getting heavier
  • You can’t keep up in conversation. People say something to you, and even after the words come out - you say “What?” because you’ve missed it.
If you caught yourself nodding your head to even one of the above statements, then you're likely suffering from metabolic dysfunction that's affecting your blood sugar and insulin levels, and impacting your ability to burn fat.  
According to a 2022 report from the University of North Carolina, 92% of the population is suffering from metabolic dysfunction. 

If you have even one of the symptoms above...
  • Or your fasting blood sugar is over 85
  • Or you are above your ideal weight
  • Or you crave sweets and carbs
  • Or you have low energy
  • Or your waist is clearly larger than it should be relative to your hips
You are most likely in that 92% suffering with metabolic dysfunction!
How would you like to learn:
  • How hunger, cravings, constant snacking, emotional eating and binge-eating are all connected to a metabolic imbalance that can be reversed... so you can experience emotional stability and freedom from food?
  • How to effortlessly enter ketosis using primarily plants so you can melt away belly fat without the dangers of all that butter and bacon on typical ketogenic diets?
  • How to lower your blood sugar even if you are a full-blown diabetic? (We've seen people reverse type 2 diabetes and get off medication with their doctor's blessing in as little as 2 weeks!)
  • How to improve your blood chemistry and energy levels by balancing the queen of all hormones, insulin?
  • What to do, step-by-step to balance your blood sugar and reset your insulin receptors so you can improve your memory, energy and focus?

All of this is possible ...And MORE.  

Here's Just a Sampling of What's Possible for YOU!

Weight Released
"My original weight was 140 pounds and now it is 125 pounds!"
"I am down 8 pounds." 
"Since January I've released another 30 pounds and I've lost 12% body fat!"
"I'm down 4.5 inches around the thickest part of my waist."
"The loose skin on my stomach, etc, from losing weight is visually starting to tighten."
"Within 30 days I had lost so much around my waist that I had an hourglass figure!."
"My liver numbers have dropped almost in half."
"I've halved my thyroid meds."
"My Hashimoto's went completely into remission."
"My doctor took me off all my thyroid medications - said I didn't need it."
"I redid all my labs and my fatty liver signs are no longer there!"
"My triglycerides went from 367 to 88 and my cholesterol from 255 to 175 in six months!"
"My brain fog is completely GONE!"
Sugar Changes
"This morning, my blood sugar was 108! The day before it was 170."
"Arising, my fasting blood sugar was 88."
"My fasting blood sugar this morning was 97, after having been 160 - 220 for years!"
"Within 5 days of starting the Sweet Spot diet, my fasting sugar had dropped from 220 to 75 and my doctor lowered the dosage of my medications"
"I was off insulin within 2 weeks of starting to work with Dr. Ritamarie and was off all meds within 4 weeks!"

Sugar Changes
"My original weight was 140 pounds and now it is 125 pounds!"
"I am down 8 pounds." 
"Since January I've released another 30 pounds and I've lost 12% body fat!"
"I'm down 4.5 inches around the thickest part of my waist."
"The loose skin on my stomach, etc, from losing weight is visually starting to tighten."
"Within 30 days I had lost so much around my waist that I had an hourglass figure!."
"My liver numbers have dropped almost in half."
"I've halved my thyroid meds."
"My Hashimoto's went completely into remission."
"My doctor took me off all my thyroid medications - said I didn't need it any more."
"I redid all my labs and my fatty liver signs are no longer there!"
"My triglycerides went from 367 to 88 and my cholesterol from 255 to 175 in six months!"
"My brain fog is GONE!"
"This morning, my blood sugar was 108! The day before it was 170."
"Arising, my fasting blood sugar was 88."
"My fasting blood sugar this morning was 97, after having been 160 - 220 for years!"
"Within 5 days of starting the Sweet Spot diet, my fasting sugar had dropped from 220 to 75 and my doctor lowered the dosage of my medications"
"I was off insulin within 2 weeks of starting to work with Dr. Ritamarie and was off all meds within 4 weeks!"



The Sweet Spot Solution

Your Ticket to the Body and Life You Crave!

Just Look at Everything You Get:

  • 9 Weeks of Step-By-Step Training:​ audio, video and written format to engage your best learning style
  • The Blood Sugar Balancing Menu Planner & Recipe Collection PDF:​ contains 30-days of Meal Plans  and 250+ pages of recipes
  • Discover Your Metabolic Baseline Assessments:​ including Tracking Tools & Charts
  • Access: to the Sweet Spot Solution Exclusive Member's Only Website
  • Sweet Spot Interactive Community: to share your successes and challenges and get the results you came for

Fasting While Feasting Bonuses

  • Stopping Self-Sabotage LIVE workshop with recording (Value $97.00)
  • Staying Healthy in the Real World e-Book (Value $47.00)
  • The Genetics of Blood Sugar Balancing: Learn strategies to overcome the genes you inherited. (Value $297)
  • Stay in the Sweet Spot Program (Value $797)
  • LIVE ONLINE 2-day Workshop June 2025 (Value $297.00)


All for Just $1299 $297

30-Plus Year Veteran Clinical Practitioner Reveals The Truth About Your Health
Hi, my name is Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. I’m a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in Acupuncture, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine and HeartMath®.  I have over 30 years of clinical experience, and I'm passionately committed to transforming our current broken disease management system into a true health care system all practitioners is skilled at finding the root cause of health challenges and uses the wisdom of nature combined with modern scientific research to restore balance.

As a best-selling author, speaker and internationally recognized nutrition and women’s health authority,  I've been practicing my own Sweet Spot Solution for over many years and not one person believes me when I tell them my age.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned for certain over my career… 
I’m Over 110 Pounds Lighter!
“I have always heard that at my age you cannot release weight easily, but I did as Dr. Ritamarie suggested…
Now I am over 110 pounds lighter, I have much more energy, my brain fog is lifting, and my skin feels fantastic! I've done the Sweet Spot Solution for 10 years in a row and it has even reversed my Hashimoto's.”
Beatriz de Bruna
Age 75
I Went From A Size 11/12 To A 0/1
“This program allowed me to make changes in 30 days that I hadn’t been able to make in 30 years…
I discovered a waistline that I never knew existed! My pant size went from an 11/12 in my 30’s to a 0/1 in my 50’s!”
I Lost 11 Pounds AND Said Goodbye To Pain!
“Since I’ve started, I’ve lost 11 pounds, my chronic pain / inflammation levels have decreased almost completely, and my energy is higher than it has been in years!”
Age 43
(Winter 2017)
It’s not as simple as just saying “no more carbs.” 
Everyone on Earth their own unique healthy blood sugar level. Yours might be entirely different than mine. 

A french fry might send one person’s blood sugar into orbit. For others, a whole basket might not budge it at all.
There is no “one size fits all” solution.
You need to identify your personal metabolic “sweet spot."

The medical establishment wants you to believe that this is impossible to do at home, without a doctor. Not true. You can get a blood glucose meter for less than $20 at any pharmacy, and self-assess your condition in less than 2 minutes. 

It’s shockingly easy.

Once you’ve identified your ideal blood sugar balance…

We can help you to tailor a “Sweet Spot Solution" just for you. 

And before you ask…

NO - you won’t need to deprive yourself or live like a Tibetan monk to make this work.

The goal of the Sweet Spot Solution is to give you more enjoyment out of life - not less. 
A Fit, Focused And Energetic Future Awaits You
Testing your blood sugar is critical to your health. NO ONE ELSE IS DOING THIS the WAY we Teach YOU to DO it!
You’ll leap out of bed every morning like a teenage kangaroo, and go all day without an elephant dose of caffeine.
Your metabolism will kick into high gear, and you’ll watch body fat melt away like snow under a heat lamp.
You’ll finally become one of those infectiously happy people who can light up any room with a single smile.
You’ll be as healthy as an ox, and say goodbye to the nagging symptoms that have plagued your every waking moment.
Insanely great health is 100% within your reach. I've helped even people with the most complex health challenges - who've seen many practitioners with minimal success - to achieve results they are happy with! 
Case Study: 9” Inches Off Her Waistline In 30 Days
Nancy was a regular attendee at my monthly Meetup group. She was in her 60’s, with a lot of stress, and she was moderately overweight. From time to time, she’d complain about “minor” health issues - each of which was a symptom of a deeper, and more serious underlying health issue.

I started Nancy on The Sweet Spot Solution on a Monday after a Meetup.

One month later, she came back to the group. When she entered the room, you could hear an audible gasp at her transformation. Nancy had lost all of the extra weight. She’d reduced her waistline by 9” inches, and now had an hourglass figure.

She looked and felt amazing! 
Case Study:
9” Inches Off Her Waistline In 30 Days
Nancy was a regular attendee at my monthly Meetup group. She was in her 60’s, with a lot of stress, and she was moderately overweight. From time to time, she’d complain about “minor” health issues - each of which was a symptom of a deeper, and more serious underlying health issue.

I started Nancy on The Sweet Spot Solution on a Monday after a Meetup.

One month later, she came back to the group. When she entered the room, you could hear an audible gasp at her transformation. Nancy had lost all of the extra weight. She’d reduced her waistline by 9” inches, and now had an hourglass figure.

She looked and felt amazing! 
Case Study:
Her First Half Marathon At Age 68
Pat was one of my clients. When she joined my program, she was 66 years old with chronic fatigue, allergies and excess belly fat. She only ever exercised once in a blue moon, and the stress was threatening to overwhelm her.

Then she started working with my trained Sweet Spot Solution Coaches.

Pretty soon her body began to release the weight. Her energy improved. She joined the Y, and got herself a personal trainer, who encouraged her to start running a few little races. Next thing she knew - she’d entered and finished a half marathon.

Her pride and enthusiasm were palpable. And, if you’d told her she’d achieve ALL of that only a few years earlier…she’d have laughed in your face. 
Case Study:
A New Body AND A Whole New Career
When I first met Jan, she was a 53-year-old grandmother. She was overweight and frequently tired. Her goals included a flat belly, strong arms and a return to the mental clarity of her youth. At the time, none of that seemed possible.

Then I introduced her to The Sweet Spot Solution.

In no time at all - she shed the weight, supercharged her natural energy and cleared up the brain fog. The results were so impressive, her daughter convinced her to put on a bikini and enter her first bodybuilding competition. Surprise, surprise - she won!

But, she wasn't done there...

Jan's confidence had soared after completing my program. She wasn't satisfied with her own personal transformation. She wanted to help other women achieve their own health goals. So she joined my Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training.

Now she’s launched a whole new career as a health and wellness coach. 
I’m Passionate about empowering you to take charge of your metabolic health Because
Of The Sister I Couldn’t Save
My sister Cathy had a beautiful spirit. In many ways, she was the glue that held our family together. But she also had a serious weight problem. It started small, with a few extra pounds. Then year after year, her condition got steadily worse,

By 2008, she’d become morbidly obese.

With the weight came an unrelenting wave of serious illness. Her doctors recommended a “grocery list” of medications - each one designed to treat a single symptom. Unfortunately, none of them addressed the real cause of her disease…
Nobody in the medical community made the connection between her many illnesses and her weight and metabolic status.  They refused to admit there was something wrong with the pile of medications sitting on her counter, or the lack of real food in her refrigerator.

They never told her… 
“You’ve Got To Make A Change!”
So - by the time she was diagnosed with Lymphoma - it was too late.

Once the diagnosis was confirmed, Cathy began a course of conventional treatment - including chemotherapy and radiation. She was gone within 3 months. That’s when I said, “enough is enough!”

It’s a big part of the reason I'm sharing this with you now.

You might be tempted to think - “I’m not obese” or “I’m not diabetic” - and dismiss this message altogether. That would be a mistake. Even if you’re only carrying an extra 10-15 pounds around your midsection - you’re absolutely at risk.
92% of the population is already afflicted.
The people I work with are typically NOT at the late stages of metabolic illness. In the early stages, you might complain of being tired, or forgetful,  or getting cranky between meals.

These “every day” complaints are not separate issues.

They are all symptoms of Metabolic Dysfunction and Insulin Resistance 
Your Doctor likely Doesn’t Even Know What To Look For!
Even though most of the population is metabolically unwell, modern medicine isn’t designed to detect it. Most medical practitioners won’t even run the tests required to determine your metabolic status!

Instead, they either tell you “nothing’s wrong,” or they prescribe a separate medications for each of your complaints. 

Imagine if the engine warning light flickered on in your car, but instead of looking under the hood, your mechanic told you to rip it out and drive on.

That’s what so many doctors today are doing with your health.

What Other Practitioners Say about Working
with Dr. Ritamarie

Holistic Health Coach, Herbalist, Fermentationist, Gut Microbiologist, and Founder of the Gut Rebuilding System
Explains how she dropped 10 lbs and overcame food cravings in less than 30 days even though she thought she didn't have insulin resistance
Says that blood sugar balance is critical for healing from and preventing cancer
Naturopathic Physician & Licensed Acupuncturist
"I learned from her (Dr. Ritamarie's) program is how to teach patients how to monitor their own blood sugar and figure out what the foods make blood sugar spike ... which helps with weight loss, hormone regulation, and sleep. I highly recommend Dr. Ritamarie's program to give you that deeper understanding. " 
Functional Pediatric Neurologist, Author of The Dirt Cure
"Dr. Ritamarie has founded a program that works really well for helping people reclaim their health."

The Sweet Spot Solution Program Success Stories

“Lots of great outcomes! I’ve gotten rid of most of my extra puffy 10-12 pounds that I’ve had for the last 10-ish years.

I have more muscle and muscle definition. I can do 15 push ups now! I couldn’t do one at the start of this!

My sense of confidence in a future of good health is priceless. As I said at the beginning - I feel I found the Holy Grail of health courses!” 
“I lost a whole clothing size in a matter of weeks and I am still losing. Since stabilizing my blood sugars I don’t have any food cravings.”

“I have suffered for a very long time with hormonal issues. I have been through several cleanses, metabolic typing, enzymes with chiropractors, etc. A piece of the puzzle was missing...

Even though I thought I was eating clean, this program took me to the next level. I feel so much better. I feel I’m starting a new journey in my life.

Thank you Dr. Ritamarie!” 
(Winter 2017)
You too can experience these kinds of results.
I’ve put together a Program to guide you to do exactly that. 

Just Look at Everything You Get:

  • 9 Weeks of Step-By-Step Training:​ audio, video and written format to engage your best learning style
  • The Blood Sugar Balancing Menu Planner & Recipe Collection PDF:​ contains 30-days of Meal Plans  and 250+ pages of recipes
  • Discover Your Metabolic Baseline Assessments:​ including Tracking Tools & Charts
  • Access: to the Sweet Spot Solution Exclusive Member's Only Website
  • Sweet Spot Interactive Community: to share your successes and challenges and get the results you came for

Fasting While Feasting Bonuses

  • Stopping Self-Sabotage LIVE workshop with recording (Value $97.00)
  • Staying Healthy in the Real World e-Book (Value $47.00)
  • The Genetics of Blood Sugar Balancing: Learn strategies to overcome the genes you inherited. (Value $297)
  • Stay in the Sweet Spot Program (Value $797)
  • LIVE ONLINE 2-day Workshop June 2025 (Value $297.00)


All for Just $1299 $297

Here's What You'll be Guided Through in
THE Sweet Spot Solution Program
Week 1 :
Discover Your Metabolic Baseline
Week 2 :
Determine Your Optimal Blood Sugar Range
Week 3 :
Start the Metabolic Reset - Phase I
Week 4 :
Metabolic Reset - Phase II
Week 5 :
Metabolic Reset - Phase III
Week 6 :
Metabolic Reset - Phase IV
Week 7 :
Transition Phase
Week 8 :
Determine Your New Metabolic Baseline
Week 9:
How to Sustain Your Sweet Spot
What OtherS Say ABout the Sweet Spot SOLUTION

“Dr. Ritamarie is the go-to practitioner when it comes to hormone balancing. She has a unique approach no one else is teaching."

— JJ Virgin

Celebrity Nutritionist and Fitness Expert, 4 Times New York Times Bestselling Author

“Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is a cut above. She's the most knowledgeable person I know on the subject of nutritional endocrinology —how the food we eat affects our hormonal health."

That’s why I asked her to create a special program for my Boot Campers—the ones who are afraid that underlying hormone issues (whether related to the thyroid, stress, menopause, or something else) will keep them from losing weight.  It’s rare that I trust someone enough to partner with them, let alone give them access to my Boot Campers."

— Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson

 New York Times Bestselling Author and Founder of Bright Line Eating

“I really love Dr. Ritamarie's approach to blood sugar balance. She's been able to help so many people go from completely unbalanced back into their sweet spot. "

That’s why I asked her to create a special program for my Boot Campers—the ones who are afraid that underlying hormone issues (whether related to the thyroid, stress, menopause, or something else) will keep them from losing weight.  It’s rare that I trust someone enough to partner with them, let alone give them access to my Boot Campers."

— Dr. Izabella Wentz

NY Times Best-Selling Author of "Hashimotos, the Root Cause" and "Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back"

"I lost over 10 lbs, lost inches at waist and hips, underarms, and upper thighs."

I've done the Sweet Spot Solution for 60 days now. Since I'm so much thinner now, my daughter gave me a pair of shorts to try on. Low & behold – they were shorts I had given her years ago (new) that were 'way too small' for me – but now they fit – AND they are a size 6!!!

I lost over 10 lbs, lost inches at waist and hips, underarms, and upper thighs – places where the bad fat was accumulating. To me it looks really good, and progressive.

The loose skin on my stomach, etc, from losing weight is visually starting to tighten (yes!) and it has only been a couple months.

Also, I've halved my thyroid meds because I started having signs of hyper-active thyroid.

What is really so very cool about this Sweet Spot Solution program is that I only had one or two very tired days out of all the detox which was happening as I was losing weight – no big headaches or nausea, etc.

Heaven knows I had chemicals & heavy metals lodged in the fat, but it came off & out so nicely. A very well thought out and executed program! I didn't want Herxheimer reactions and Sweet Spot was gentle enough for me that they didn't happen.

— Jane Bolz

I'm 66 years young and have more energy, stamina, and mental clarity than anyone else I know. My genetic destiny was to be extremely overweight and diabetic. I'd probably be dead by now if I hadn't taken charge of my life and loved myself enough to take the daily action steps to feel amazing. I've been doing this for 38 years and have zero temptation to look back because my new comfort zone feels wonderful. 
— Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
You’re About To Join The Thousands Of Healthy
People Who’ve Already Found Their Sweet Spot

What You Get For $1299 $297

  • 9 Weeks of Step-By-Step Training:​ audio, video and written format to engage your best learning style
  • The Blood Sugar Balancing Menu Planner & Recipe Collection PDF:​ contains 30-days of Meal Plans  and 250+ pages of recipes
  • Discover Your Metabolic Baseline Assessments:​ including Tracking Tools & Charts
  • Access: to the Sweet Spot Solution Exclusive Member's Only Website
  • Sweet Spot Interactive Community: to share your successes and challenges and get the results you came for
The Sweet Spot Solution
This valuable program is open for enrollment 
until March 31, 2020
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
What You Get for $297
  • 8 Weeks of Step-By-Step Training:​ audio, video and written format to engage your best learning style 
  • The Blood Sugar Balancing Menu Planner & Recipe Collection:​ contains 30-days of Meal Plans PDF and 250+ page Recipe Collection PDF
  • Discovering Your Metabolic Baseline Assessments:​ including Tracking Tools & Charts
  • One-Year Access: to the Sweet Spot Solution Exclusive Member's Only Website
  • Weekly LIVE Group Support Calls:​ for coaching and accountability with Dr. Ritamarie
  • Sweet Spot Interactive Community: to share your successes and challenges and get the results you came for
You'll also get bonuses...
This valuable program was made for you. It is open for enrollment until March 31, 2020
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
What You Get for $297
  • 8 Weeks of Step-By-Step Training:​ audio, video and written format to engage your best learning style 
  • The Blood Sugar Balancing Menu Planner & Recipe Collection:​ contains 30-days of Meal Plans PDF and 250+ page Recipe Collection PDF
  • Discovering Your Metabolic Baseline Assessments:​ including Tracking Tools & Charts
  • One-Year Access: to the Sweet Spot Solution Exclusive Member's-Only Website
  • Weekly LIVE Group Support Calls:​ for coaching and accountability with Dr. Ritamarie
  • Sweet Spot Interactive Community: to share your successes and challenges and get the results you came for
You'll also get bonuses...
Medical Disclaimer: The information in this program is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo,, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
Copyright © Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS. DC, CCN, DACBN All Rights Reserved.