Jumpstart Your Full Potential for Joy,
Fulfillment and Unstoppable Energy by Balancing the Hormones that Control Your Everyday Functioning
  • ​Have you ever wondered how to have more energy than you currently do, so you can do all the things you love to do?
  • ​Have you been wondering how to protect yourself and your family in the midst of a global pandemic?
  • ​Would you like to balance and strengthen your immune system?
  • ​Would you like to have balanced hormones, a flat belly and feel clear-headed all day long?

I'm Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo and if you’ve ever wondered how to experience 
the best possible health, then read every word I’ve written below.

The secret to living a long, healthy and happy life
lies in balancing your hormones.
Most people’s minds go right to the bedroom when I mention hormones, but the hormones I’m referring to are what I call the “everyday” hormones.

These are the hormones that control your day-to-day functioning, like blood sugar, digestion, your metabolic rate, your stress response and your ability to detoxify environmental toxins.

DO these statements RESONATE?
  • Have you ever experienced unexplained weight gain, even though you feel
    like you’re eating “right” and exercising?
  • Do you crave sugar and carbohydrates?
  • Do you feel bloated after meals?
  • Tired after eating?
  • Foggy brained if you miss a meal?
  • Flare up of symptoms when you shop at the mall?

All of these symptoms can indicate an imbalance in your “everyday hormones.” 

Have You Been Looking for the "Perfect" Diet?

Are you confused about what's the best way to eat 
-- Keto?
-- Paleo? 
-- Plant-based?
-- Macrobiotics? 

There are so many choices!

If so, you’re not alone.

The truth is there’s no one perfect diet that works for everyone. We all have our own unique requirements based on genes, past experiences and emotional trauma.  

The best way to jumpstart your everyday hormones is a combination of having the right nutrition, and implementing an eating and fasting cycle that works best for you.

You may be wondering — “How do I know which is right for me?”

That’s where I come in.

30 Year Veteran Clinical Practitioner 
Reveals The Truth About Your Health
My name is Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. I’ve been a functional medicine and nutrition practitioner for over 30 years, and I’ve helped thousands of people like you to restore their health. 

I’m the founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology that empowers health and nutrition practitioners to get to the root cause of health concerns. I’ve trained doctors, nurses, nutritionists, health coaches, and more how to use whole fresh food as a medicine.

The Key to Increased Energy, a Clearer Mind and a Flatter Belly is to Balance Your "Everyday Hormones"

These are the "not so sexy" hormones that control the major aspects of life. 

These are the "Vital for Survival" hormones. 

Digestion, Blood Sugar, Adrenals and Thyroid are the hormonal systems that control your everyday functions and keep you feeling alert, happy, energetic and strong.  And yes, digestion is controlled by dozens of hormones. 

You'll experience more joy, ease and fulfillment, and will not have to say NO when you want to say YES to fun and fulfilling opportunities in your life. 

In short, you'll have the freedom to enjoy life and connect more fully with those you love.

Most practitioners go straight to the "sexy" hormones when things seem out of balance, not realizing that the root cause just might be imbalance in the "everyday hormones." 

That’s why I created...
The Everyday Hormones Energy Jumpstart.

Here's how the program works...

  • Over a 7-week, fully-guided journey, you’re going to take back control of your bodily functions, give your energy a boost, and start to understand what your body needs.
  • You’ll learn to eat and live in a way that jumpstarts each of your major everyday hormone systems.
  • Each week, you'll be guided through a series of steps to jumpstart yourself into positive habits that begin the process of healing your digestion and balancing your hormones.
  • There are 7 modules in all. Each of the body systems and hormones modules includes a recipe guide, food checklists, and a variety of tools and resources for supporting and balancing that system.
  • There will be one week that's devoted to jumpstarting each of the major hormone systems I call the EVERYDAY HORMONES.

By using functional assessments and natural therapeutics to
balance your endocrine system, the body's master controller,
I can help you get your life back. 

Many people don’t have the means to invest in 
a private functional health practitioner, and even if they did,
most don’t empower you with recipe guides, detailed self-assessments
and step-by-step guidance for 7 full weeks.  

Here's What's Included in everyday hormones

Access to Online Membership Site 

7 Modules released one per week, with day by day action steps and email guidance

​​Assessments, Tracking Forms & Action Plans 

Measure where you start, take action, then measure your progress at the end

Recipe Guides, Checklists & Shopping Lists

Recipes, exercises, lifestyle strategies and resources you need to personalize

Module 1
Assess Your Hormone & Body System Status
You'll get access to my detailed self-assessment questionnaires to help you identify imbalances at the outset. When you complete these assessments, you’ll have an understanding of where your imbalances lie, and which of the hormone and body system modules to focus on.  

Module 2
Jumpstart Your Body Freedom Foundations
There are 7 lifestyle areas I call the Body Freedom Foundations. These are Fun, Restful Sleep, Exercise, Environment, Diet, Outlook and Mindfulness. Together they spell FREEDOM—from pain, exhaustion and excuses.

These must be balanced in order to balance your hormones. Each day for a week, you'll get a few easy steps that will make a huge difference in your energy and overall state of well being.
Case Study: 9” Inches Off Her Waistline In 30 Days
Nancy was a regular attendee at my monthly Meetup group. She was in her 60’s, with a lot of stress, and she was moderately overweight. From time to time, she’d complain about “minor” health issues - each of which was a symptom of a deeper, and more serious underlying health issue.

I started Nancy on The Sweet Spot Solution on a Monday after a Meetup.

One month later, she came back to the group. When she entered the room, you could hear an audible gasp at her transformation. Nancy had lost all of the extra weight. She’d reduced her waistline by 9” inches, and now had an hourglass figure.

She looked and felt amazing! 
Module 3
Jumpstart Digestion
I'll introduce you to the Happy Belly System, and you'll get simple daily steps that will jumpstart your digestive tract and repopulate your microbiome. When you remove foods that are damaging your gut, and add foods that heal it, you'll likely experience improved mood, clearer skin and a more balanced gut.
Module 4
Jumpstart Balanced Blood Sugar
Ready to get rid of that excess belly fat, banish brain fog, and overcome the blahs? 

Balanced blood sugar is the key to keeping all your hormones in balance, supporting your immune system, and protecting your cardiovascular system.

Follow the plan laid out in this module and jumpstart a metabolic reset and the healing of insulin receptors.
Module 5
Jumpstart Adrenals
Embrace my Steady Energy System which includes an herb guide, recipe guide, menu ideas and my popular Lift Your Libido Guide to elixirs that can boost your libido by balancing your everyday hormones. 

In today’s stressful world, your adrenal glands are likely taking a HUGE hit. In this module you’ll get a recipe guide filled with meals to restore balance.
Module 6
Jumpstart Thyroid Function
Give your metabolic rate a boost when you follow the Thyroid Reset Process.  

Enjoy delicious, energizing recipes from my 92-page Thyroid Jumpstart Recipe Guide, and discover common, everyday things that may be hurting your thyroid.
Module 7
Jumpstart Detoxification
We'll end our time together by exploring the concept of cleansing, and we'll do a 4-5 day simple yet effective cleanse that will pull together much of what you've learned throughout our time together. You'll be guided to reassess and see what improvements you've made.  

To cap this off, you’re also going to have my help in putting your plan together for the future. When you don’t plan your future, you plan for fall back into old habits that will take you right back to where you started.

Invest In Your Health NOW!

By now you might be wondering…

“Dr. Ritamarie, what’s the investment?”

Or “this sounds great, but can I afford it?”

If my coaches and I personally guide someone through these steps, the investment could be upwards of $5,000.00.

Since that’s out of the reach of many people, we put this together in a program, and, to make it accessible to all, the everyday investment is only $297.
But, because I want to help as many people as possible in this stressful time period, we’ve reduced the point of entry by 75%.

When you register by the deadline below.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Your investment is just $75.

That’s right, for only $75, you get to jumpstart your health and get guided by a 30+ year veteran in functional nutrition and health care.

In addition, if finances are really tight, you can get started for just $45 today, followed by one more $45 payment a month from now.
Click the link below, fill out the order form and you’ll get immediate access to the program.

And, I’m so certain you’re going to love the results you get from this program, you can have access for a full month to try it out, and if you’re not happy with the results, we’ll give you a full refund.

What you get for $297 $75
What you get for $297
  • 7 weeks of daily emails, guiding you through the modules, designed to give you simple daily action steps that guide and empower you to take charge of your own health.
  • Each of the body systems and hormones modules includes a recipe guide and food checklists, plus a variety of tools and resources for supporting and balancing that system.
  • Two detailed self-assessment questionnaires to help you identify any imbalances at the outset in your Hormone Systems & Body Systems. 
  • Body Freedom Foundation Pillars - get a few easy steps daily that will make a huge difference in your energy and overall state of well being
  • The Happy Belly System - you'll get simple daily steps that will jumpstart your digestive tract - providing you with fermented recipes and beverages that are healthy for your gut.
  • Belly Fat, Brain Fog and Burnout Recipes - contains delicious, nutritious, blood sugar balancing, easy-to-prepare recipes
  • Adrenal Jumpstart Recipe Collection provides you adrenal nourishing foods and a few simple recipes to get started, including Energy Recharge Elixirs.
  • Thyroid Jumpstart Recipe Guide - 92-pages of delicious, energizing recipes. Discover common, everyday things that may be hurting your thyroid.
  • To make it easy to keep track of your materials, you get everything through a private membership portal.
The Sweet Spot Solution
This valuable program is open for enrollment 
until March 31, 2020
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
What You Get for $297
  • 8 Weeks of Step-By-Step Training:​ audio, video and written format to engage your best learning style 
  • The Blood Sugar Balancing Menu Planner & Recipe Collection:​ contains 30-days of Meal Plans PDF and 250+ page Recipe Collection PDF
  • Discovering Your Metabolic Baseline Assessments:​ including Tracking Tools & Charts
  • One-Year Access: to the Sweet Spot Solution Exclusive Member's Only Website
  • Weekly LIVE Group Support Calls:​ for coaching and accountability with Dr. Ritamarie
  • Sweet Spot Interactive Community: to share your successes and challenges and get the results you came for
You'll also get bonuses...
This valuable program was made for you. It is open for enrollment until March 31, 2020
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
What You Get for $297
  • 8 Weeks of Step-By-Step Training:​ audio, video and written format to engage your best learning style 
  • The Blood Sugar Balancing Menu Planner & Recipe Collection:​ contains 30-days of Meal Plans PDF and 250+ page Recipe Collection PDF
  • Discovering Your Metabolic Baseline Assessments:​ including Tracking Tools & Charts
  • One-Year Access: to the Sweet Spot Solution Exclusive Member's-Only Website
  • Weekly LIVE Group Support Calls:​ for coaching and accountability with Dr. Ritamarie
  • Sweet Spot Interactive Community: to share your successes and challenges and get the results you came for
You'll also get bonuses...
To make this journey super fun and easy,
I’ve included a few bonuses for you when you join today…
The Assessments Tracker
Keep track of your self-assessments in this handy spreadsheet, so you can track your progress every step of the way.
(Value $47.00)
Grab & Go Guide 
A step-by-step guide to quick,  healthy and delicious meals you can make in minutes -  for busy people on the run. 
 (Value $47.00)
QUICK ACTION BONUS  - Until April 12, 2022
60 days of Personal Group
Mentoring Sessions
This is an added bonus where you’ll get personal group mentoring from me and my team. Ask questions, get clarity, share successes and get coaching. You’ll become part of our community, 
and keeping each other accountable is a big part of that.
(Value $200.00)
(Winter 2017)

“Dr. Ritamarie is the go-to practitioner when it comes to hormone balancing. She has a unique approach no one else is teaching."

~JJ Virgin, Celebrity Nutritionist and Fitness Expert, 4 Times New York Times Bestselling Author

“I really love Dr. Ritamarie's approach to blood sugar balance. She's been able to help so many people go from completely unbalanced back into their sweet spot. "

~Dr. Izabella Wentz, NY Times Best-Selling Author of "Hashimotos, the Root Cause" and "Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back"

I lost over 10 lbs, lost inches at waist and hips, underarms, and upper thighs. JANE BOLZ

I've done the Sweet Spot Solution for 60 days now. Since I'm so much thinner now, my daughter gave me a pair of shorts to try on. Low & behold – they were shorts I had given her years ago (new) that were 'way too small' for me – but now they fit – AND they are a size 6!!!

I lost over 10 lbs, lost inches at waist and hips, underarms, and upper thighs – places where the bad fat was accumulating. To me it looks really good, and progressive.

The loose skin on my stomach, etc, from losing weight is visually starting to tighten (yes!) and it has only been a couple months.
Also, I've halved my thyroid meds as I was having signs of hyper-active thyroid, and for the last couple of days it's been good.

What is really so very cool about this Sweet Spot Solution program is that I only had one or two very tired days out of all the detox which was happening as I was losing weight – no big headaches or nausea, etc. 

Heaven knows I had chemicals & heavy metals lodged in the fat, but it came off & out so nicely. A very well thought out and executed program! I didn't want Herxheimer reactions and Sweet Spot was gentle enough for me that they didn't happen.

  • I'm 66 years young, and have more energy, stamina, and mental clarity than anyone else I know. My genetic destiny was to be extremely overweight and diabetic. I'd probably be dead by now if I hadn't taken charge of my life and loved myself enough to take the daily action steps to feel amazing. I've been doing this for 35 years and have zero temptation to look back because my new comfort zone feels wonderful. 
- Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Listen - I know what it’s like to suffer in silence. To know there’s something
wrong in your body, but have no idea what to do about it. It’s a terrible feeling.

I also know that I’m not the first person to talk about a solution.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve tried other programs - courses - cleanses -
you name it… only for them to fall far short of their promises.
That might be giving you pause.

If so, I understand completely.

I’m so confident in this program - and so certain it can help return you
 to the best health of your life - I’d hate for skepticism to keep you from trying it.  
That’s why I’m going to make YOUR decision 100% risk free.
When you take action on Everyday Hormones today - you’ll be protected by
my 30-day money back guarantee. If you try it out for yourself, and aren’t
totally satisfied with the results, I will refund your money right away.

You have no reason to hesitate or miss out on your health transformation! 
Medical Disclaimer: The information in this presentation is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
Copyright © 2022 Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS. DC, CCN, DACBN All Rights Reserved.