Do you find yourself spinning in tech overwhelm, struggling to get your business off the ground, always in an unpredictable client feast-famine?

Are you unsure of how to attract right-fit-ready clients that convert, are committed to doing the work and get results they’ll brag about all over social?

Is your “what-I-do statement” a muddled messaging mess — that causes eyes to glaze over rather than have that lean-in “tell me more” effect?

Are you worried you don’t have the qualifications, experience or strategic plan for how to predictably attract, convert and retain clients?

Want a proven system to — call in, start and seamlessly segue clients into your signature and continuity programs?

Are you ready to build a sustainable, predictably profitable business machine using a step-by-step blueprint so that you can accelerate your…

  • Clinical Competency
  • Critical Thinking and,
  • Ability to concisely communicate A-L-L your genius and assessments into a clear, exciting, and inspiring personalized health plan for your clients…

…instead of firehosing, overwhelming and making clients feel like their health problems are too complicated, costly and time consuming to even try to solve.

It’s time to get out of the cycle of content consumption and signing up for—yet another certification…

It’s time to LEARN, DO and APPLY.

To get out there, get experience and START helping people that are suffering and are searching for *you* —right NOW!
With the right roadmap, mentoring, accountability, implementable theory and practical application you’ll have the solid foundation, frameworks and feedback you need to build, amplify and accelerate your health skills and business.

Discover The Proven Rinse + Repeat Roadmap to Building a Burnout-free, Sustainable and Predictably Profitable Health Practice with…

The BioFit Blueprint Bootcamp

The 3-Month Functional Clinical Skills + Business Mentorship

For Functional Health Practitioners and Coach
With Functional Nutrition Health Experts

(+ Blood Chemistry, Genetics and Health Practice Strategists)

How empowering would it be to….
  • Predictably attract, convert and retain clients without posting 5 reels a day—awkwardly pointing in air, doing the jitterbug and spending hours searching for the latest trending audio 
  • Be “the practitioner” that *finally* figures out your client's health puzzle—because you knew the key intake questions to ask, important and foundational blood chemistry biomarkers and genes to assess.
  • Confidently create personalized plans and signature programs rooted in data and reliable research—that get your clients the results they want and—you raving fans and referral evangelists
  • Spend your days actually helping clients vs tangled in tech, duct-taping your business backend together and stuck in perfectionist purgatory…aka trapped in canva creating your lead magnet for *cough* 3-months
  • Ready to serve the influx of clients who are actively seeking proactive vs reactive healthcare and want personalized programs focused on prevention and optimal performance—instead of “we’ll just wait ‘till it gets bad enough” to prescribe, diagnose or cut you open “healthcare”
…without burning-out, constantly in client feast-famine, having to work multiple jobs to keep your business “afloat” or second-guessing your clinical skills and if what you “don’t know” will actually hurt your clients.

DAY 1: Why we created BioFit just for *YOU*

  • What makes it unlike any program out there.
  • The current changes in the healthcare landscape, economy, DIY apps and AI which you need to prepare for.
  • The 3C Framework that’ll keep you booked out even in a recession

DAY 2: Calls, Curriculum and Program Calendar

DAY 3: Radical Accountability with Power Pods

  • The Next Level Caliber Community for Collaboration, Connection, Business Acceleration and Amplification
  • Strategic Power Partnerships: Predictable + Reliable Referral Relationships

DAY 4: Program Roadmap, Resources
& Trusted Timesaving Tools

  • Focused Get-Into-Action Implementation and Clinical Competency Workshops
  • The 1-Day Grand Rounds Case Study Workshop
  • The 2-Day Right-Fit-Ready Client Marketing Messaging Method and Building a Profitable and Sustainable Business Machine Workshop

DAY 5: Do-the-work Program Investment Guarantee

  • Get an ROI in 3-6 months
  • How to build a biz machine for sustainable, predictable and profitable revenue on repeat *(6-figs in 6-months)
  • How to know if this is the right program for *you* and IF you’ll be accepted

Q & A Session

If you crave a proven, simple & REPEATABLE way to:

  • Attract right-fit-ready clients who trust you (+ are eager to DO the work)
  • Effortlessly book leads for consultation calls where you never have to sell (+ tell you it’s “too expensive” and they’ll “just use their insurance”)
  • Confidently know how to interrupt foundational functional assessments, efficiently distill all the data to drive personalized programs that leads to lasting results, happy, healthy clients, raving fans + referral machines
Well, my nerdy heart-centered health practitioner friend…
If You have a Rock Solid Foundation of Functional Clinical Skills, Clinical Competence and 
The Business Blueprint of the Future…
You’ll Unlock the Secret to…
Proven practices, strategies, frameworks and tools that are essential to stay relevant in the accelerating trend of AI, wearables, client-directed and data-driven and healthcare

How to build a ethical, sustainable functional health practice—one that is predictably profitable, will withstand this volatile healthcare economy, censorship and the influx of overnight, self-proclaimed “health-guru” influencers

What makes The BioFit Blueprint Bootcamp different…

  • This is an exclusive 90-day LIVE group coaching program for health coaches and practitioners to help them kickstart their practice and amplify their income with a proven client converting Functional Blood Chemistry and Gene Assessment Starter Session..
  • Even if you’re just getting started, have never done functional assessments, have been practicing for years and want to get to the root cause behind your clients’ health challenges using proven functional health and nutrition science and lifestyle strategies.
THIS IS NOT a course…
I repeat this is NOT a course where you passively consume content, can get silently stuck, spin or distracted by shiny bonuses.

THIS is a high-touch, high caliber, action-oriented and implementation program, rooted in integrity and radical accountability.

Where you’ll…
  • Learn how to combine, correlate and connect the data you get from a comprehensive nutritional health assessment, functional blood chemistry and the most critical genes, so that…
  • You can successfully conduct a 90-minute comprehensive Functional Blood Chemistry and Gene Analysis Starter Session that converts clients into your signature private, hybrid and group coaching programs, courses, memberships and VIP days.

Ask yourself the practice-transforming question…

What’s the difference between having mentors to guide you step-by-step in how to use a reliable proven blueprint that works for *your* specific goals, niche, stage and phase of clinical skills and business so that you can—

…Consistently and predictably build a waitlist practice of pay-in-full high-ticket compliant clients…

…who get lasting results, want to be “lifer” wellness clients and can’t wait to refer to you again and again…

And spending every evening staring at the ceiling spinning at 3 am in sympathetic anxiety cyclones of…

…“where the heck is my next client coming from?”

… “when will I be profitable and able to go full-time in my practice?”

… “should I change my niche or get another certification?”

… “what do I do once I have a client—what IF I can’t help them…or I make things worse”

… “I HATE social media, tech and having to constantly-be-marketing—I just want to spend my time actually helping my clients NOT building funnels, another lead magnets, landing page or ad campaigns..ugg”

If you’re praying for a BETTER way than…

Taking second mortgage out to go back to school and acquiring more ABCs or certifications for clients to trust you and “choose” you over doctors, naturopaths or internet self-proclaimed “functional health and wellness” gurus

Tangled in tech, trying the latest “6-figure funnel” for health coaches or piecing together protocols from summits, DIY courses and $27 dollar recipe swipes to create “personalized plans” for your clietns

❌ Constantly undercharging, overdeliverying and discounting your services because you “need” clients and can’t afford to lose the ones you have

Luckily, you can avoid all of this:
Inside this 3-Month High-Caliber Group Program

You’ll uncover how to effortlessly call in your dream clients, get them to buy, stay and refer everyone they know your way because you…
Solved their health puzzle naturally and got them lasting life-changing results—when no one else could

Why You Need to Learn The Top 2 Foundational Functional Tests + Frameworks for a Predictably Profitable Practice 
from Mentors and Not Another DIY Course 

HEY, We’re Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo and Dr. Yvonne Castillo…

Here’s what we know about you…


Are a heart-centered, data-driven health practitioner that knows that simply chasing or temporarily “squashing” symptoms with medications, procedures and even supplements isn’t the answer.

Value getting to the root cause behind people's health puzzles, challenges and do no harm

Are dedicating to mastering your craft of functional medicine and testing so that you can create personalized programs that get results, help prevent imbalances and promote optimal performance

We’ve been where you’re at…

Weighed down by the worry of…

…“not feeling like you know enough”

… “where you’re next client will come from”

… “if clients will actually commit and pay +5 figures for coaching programs”

…”are frustrated but the misinformation, gaslighting, unnecessary suffering and lack of empathy (+ ethically care) in healthcare”

With a combined 50+ years of experience in conventional and functional medicine we’re seeing the shifts, wrong turns and the demand for…

Something better. For health practitioners and clients.

Through our own trial-and-error, spending lots(+ we mean lots) of $$$ and decades pursuing doctoral, masters and advanced health certifications, marketing, copywriting and sales mentoring…

To create proven frameworks, replicable roadmaps and the ultimate Blueprint for building a predictably profitable practice.

One that has a +3-Month waitlist, wellness clients for life and the confidence, conviction and certainty in our clinical skills so that—we can create and communicate personalized plans that get results.

We want to support and show you how you can do it too.

Mentoring is our magic.

Mentoring—and getting “real-time” clinical experience and feedback is the difference between..

..being a health hobbyist and mastering your craft of functional health.

Becoming the Next Level Health Practitioner your future clients are searching for and current clients need.

Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry & Gene Assessment Sessions are the Key to Predictably Attracting, Attaining and Retaining Results Driven Clients  

  • Learn how to attract and enroll new leads and current clients into a 90-minute Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session that will leave them begging “how can I work with you” without even mentioning your program or offer
  • Get the proven Rit-Fit-Ready Framework™ for doing discovery calls to screen for the clients that *YOU* actually want to work with. Consistently convert discovery consults to your 90-min Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session, easy peasy pay-in-full and at a +75% sign-me-up on the spot conversion right.
  • Understand how to interpret a comprehensive health history, 3-day nutrition log, functional blood chemistry assessment and the most essential genes and help your clients to finally understand what’s going on in their bodies and get them excited to work with you to reverse and resolve their imbalances once and for all
  • Learn how to lead a 100% converting 90-min Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session that doesn’t information overload, overwhelm or firehose your client—but instead has them finally understanding what’s going on and why, trusting and seeing *YOU* as the ONLY expert to help them balance their body and to reach their health goals
  • Get the proven Signature Program Roadmap ™ so that you know exactly what to include in your signature coaching program and how to seamlessly enroll and onboard them into your 1:1, hybrid, group or memberships—so that you’ll have LIFER clients …if *YOU* want, of course.
  • Learn how to low-key pre-launch and pre-sale your Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session in January and sell out 10 Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session by February, and get 10 clients enrolled in their 3-6 month next-step signature program…aka make a COMPLETE ROI on BioFit within 3-6 months after completing the program. BAAM!!

Fantastic Features Included in this 3-Month Clinical Mastery + Practice Mentoring Program

  • GET proven nutritional health history, 3-day nutrition tracker and goal setting intake forms to be completed BEFORE the Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session
  • Get access to the Comprehensive Functional blood chemistry panel*(+ IDC codes) and know how to: functionally interpret the most essential get-your-client-into-action-genes; address why most Functional Blood Chemistry panels are incomplete, why that’s the reason clients are told “normal”, “everything's fine”, “come back in 6-12 months”…and the difference between “normal” and optimal, vibrant and illness-free health.
  • No need to recreate the wheel or waste days trying to piece together your systems and backend ops—grab our proven plug-and-play, templates, resources, email sequences, intake forms, The Master Health Tracker so you can spend more time enrolling, helping clients and making $$$ fast
  • Tech SOS: get step-by-step guidance for the backend software you need for enrolling clients, scheduling, collecting payments, nurturing, onboarding and offboarding, contracts….you’ll be getting the whole sha-bang and without wasting boatload on a million different system—you’ll get our simple 3 systems, so you can be up and running instead of hours in the support chat
  • How to do a discovery call to offer the 90-min Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session*(role-playing, real-life client feedback)
  • How to do the Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session *YOU* as the expert, get buy-in and 100% enrollment into your ongoing signature coaching program
  • Suggestion for Signature Program Framework for what to include in a coaching program refer them to the Blueprint and exactly how to incorporate Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session for your specific niche, current clients, practice and programs
  • Hold your feet to the fire, watch-you-like-a-hawk radical accountability from BioFit mentors/coaches—we’ve got a no-man-left-behind philosophy. We’ve got our eye on *YOU* and will be holding you to your goals and completing this program and getting your ROI in 3-6 months—no excuses, curveballs, mindset monkeys, holiday hiccups or storms of life will be able to derail you.

  • Get into action Implementation weeks—the last week of every month where you’ll to meet with your Accountability Group aka Power Pod™ and new biz besties You’ll be held, and hold your peers accountable and on track so—you keep making progress, building your confidence, competence and calling-in clients
  • Crystal clear calendar and roadmap of what you’re to focus and accomplish every week and month, so you only focus on the NEXT step ahead of you
  • Short, digestible pre-recorded easy-to digest training lessons and modules—understand, retain and apply. We’re all about ACTION, applying what you learn in real time, on *real* people and building your critical thinking muscle by completing at least 10 Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session during  the program
  • LIVE Super Support Calls: weekly calls for the first 3 weeks of the month every Tuesday *(time TBD, polls will be sent out) If you can't attend live, you can pre-submit your Qs and we’ll answer them on the call for you, time-stamped and transcribed for you within 72 hours, and they'll be in the BioFit: LIVE Calls Private Podcast
  • Ask Me Anything (AMA) Weekly Friday session, submit Qs on Wednesday, and they’ll be answered LIVE on Friday. These will also be in the BioFit: AMA Calls Private Podcast
  • Private BioFit Blueprint Bootcamp Members Only FaceBook Community—think boatloads of fun, prizes, mini-sprint challenges to get results and make your BioFit ROI back in a snap!
  • Client resource and Charts to speed up your assessments and personalized recommendations: Nutrients needs, functional blood chemistry, foods to eliminate based on SNPs, medication interactions and sensitivity to specific SNPs and genes excel spreadsheets.
  • Monthly Mock-tail Meet-up Happy Hour: Connection & Collaboration Calls: Get to know your fellow BioFiters, connect on a deeper level, foster friendships, and find a biz bestie to partner with. The fastest way to clients and cash is through collaborations and strategic partnerships. Share your wins, what’s working, support others and showcase what you’re working on, going to launch to make it a success!! Plus, biz is just way more fun when you have FUN and are a human, laugh, share your personality, passion and purpose. Great recipes are welcome too!!

BioFit Bonuses

  • DFY: Done-for-you resources, swipes, templates, trackers and scripts for you plug-and-play 
  • The Time Saving Toolbox: Client Resources, Charts, Summary Template Swipe and vetted resources, softwares to speed up your assessments and personalized recommendations and documentation
  • The BioFit Cash Injection System™: Learn how to do Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Sessions in group workshops, weekend intensives, retreats and as a bonus in other affiliate partner programs *(on or OFF line ;)
  •  The BioFit Private Podcast: Easy listening just got an upgrade and geeked out—fast track to mastery by reviewing the curriculum, calls and implementation workshops on repeat and on-the-go
  • Monthly Guest Expert Masterclasses with: Dr. Christy Sutton, Dr. Alan Hopkins and a few other surprise speakers that’ll bless your socks off and blow your mind
  • Clinical Mastery Grand Rounds Case Study Workshop
  • Right-Fit-Ready Client Messaging + Marketing Method and Build a Simple, Sustainable and Predictably Profitable Business Machine Workshop



(limited to the first 15 that enroll)

The BioFit Blueprint Bootcamp
Fall 2023 Cohort Calendar

MONTH #0: Onboarding + Getting Set-Up 4 Success

◉ Getting to Know-you Kick-off Call
◉ Community connection + collaboration
◉ Power Pod™ creation and sign-up
◉ Quick-start Session + Swipes to invite and work with 10 Case Study clients for the program *(10 case studies are recommended but not required)
◉ How to do a comprehensive functional nutrition intake
MONTHLY MILESTONES: BioFit Program groundwork completed, so you’re ready for core content, theory and implementation with real *LIVE* client cases

MONTH #1: Functional Blood Chemistry Mastery

◉ How to access functional blood chemistry labs independently for your clients
◉ The Blood Biomarker + Panels to run for your specific niche, client’s presentation, history, resources and goals(+ genes)
◉ Understanding blood chemistry biomarkers and how to connect-the-dots on the data to uncover imbalances and the natural solutions to support them
◉ How-to create personalized programs and know what’s are the next best functional tests to order, when and how often to re-test
◉ Communicating and creating concise summary and “Top 3 action steps” implementation roadmaps and resources for your clients
◉ How to invite + enroll clients into a Functional Blood Chemistry Assessment Starter Session
APPLICATION + EXPERIENCE: Case Study Submission + Feedback Session
MONTHLY MILESTONES: Clinical competence of comprehensive functional blood chemistry interpretation, ability to make recommendations and create personalized programs for clients, and identify risk factors and when it is appropriate to refer out, recommend additional, advanced or follow-up testing, halting progression and reversal of symptoms

MONTH #2: Becoming a Functional Genetic Genius

◉ How to target and tackle the top 10 (heritable) risk factors
◉ Running and interpreting valid and reliable genetic reports
◉ Putting together and distilling all the data from the client intake, nutrition log, blood chemistry and genetic reports efficiently, proficiently and without taking +200 hours
◉ Understanding the epigenetics and nutrigenomics of genes and the based evidence based practices for supporting individual risk factors or function
◉ How to invite and enroll clients into a Functional Blood Chemistry + Genetic Assessment Starter Session
APPLICATION + EXPERIENCE: Case Study Submission + Feedback Session
APPLICATION + EXPERIENCE: Case Study Grand Rounds Workshop
 MONTHLY MILESTONES: Clinical competence of genetic interpretation, ability to make recommendations and create personalized programs for clients, and identify risk factors and when it is appropriate to refer out, recommend additional, advanced or follow-up testing, halting progression and reversal of symptoms

MONTH #3: How to Build a Predictably Profitable Practice

◉ Mastering your messaging and marketing to call right-fit-ready clients
◉ Done-and-dusted lead magnet creation: how to build your rinse-and-repeat lead gen machine:
◉ How to strategically build, amplify and accelerate your health practice on and OFF line (+ without social media)
◉ The Irresistible Offer Blueprint to attract pay-in-full clients that never ask to use their insurance
◉ Creating your signature programs, niche-specific wellness maintenance model and the key to maximizing the lifetime value of your clients
◉ Strategic Power Partnerships: How to Build Predictable + Reliable Referral Relationships
◉ How to build the backend of headache-free health business machine for sustainable, predictable and profitable revenue on repeat *(6-figs in 6-months)
APPLICATION + EXPERIENCE: Role Playing sessions to build your confidence and increase conversions using our step-by-step blueprint that will guide you from—new lead to signed on signature program client
◉ APPLICATION + EXPERIENCE: Case Study Submission + Feedback Session
APPLICATION + EXPERIENCE: Messaging, Marketing + Building Stronger Health Practice Systems Workshop
◉ MONTHLY MILESTONES: Business foundational systems set-up: clear on messaging and marketing plan for Q1 2024, client attraction, onboarding and referral systems
◉ Proficient and confident in ability to: teach in-person/online education to attract ideal clients, conduct consultation sessions that convert to initial Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session and then segues into signature program, signature program created.
◉ Competent in ability to track marketing and business metrics that will guide business decisions to promote sustainability, profitability, scaling, more time freedom and peace of mind.

Ready to be the Next Level Practitioner of the Future and build the business of your dreams?

*(Spots are extremely limited and we’ve already filled 30% of the program spots—
we’re intentionally keeping this a tight group so we can closely keep eye on you, hold you to standards that yield compounding results, clinical mastery and clients)

Our Confidence in BioFit and *YOU*…

The BioFit Do-the-Work Program Investment *Guarantee
Our Program Promise: You’ll Get a Complete Results ROI within 3-6 months of completing BioFit

Our Program Promise: You’ll Get a Complete Results ROI within 3-6 months of completing BioFit

◉ You MUST do the work—that means showing up to all the calls, completing all the assignments, workshops and case studies by the end of the 3-month program

◉ If you complete ALL the work and you do not get a results ROI on BioFit within 6-months after completing the program—we’ll work with you until you do 💪


You asked, now let us answer—so you can be a confident “ALL IN” for BioFit…

I won’t be able to make all the calls—will they be recorded? Should I still do the program?
◉  YES! ALL calls, workshops, AMA sessions will be recorded and uploaded to the private portal and private podcast—so that you can easily access the content and calls.
◉ You can always submit your questions and will answer them for you, and there’ll be transcripts available as well.
◉  We’ve also purposefully built in “implementation weeks” for you to catch up or…get ahead.
◉ PLUS—we’ve got both radical accountability BUILT into the coaching, Power Pods and FB community…so rest assured, we’ll be looking out for *YOU* so you won’t get left behind!

Will I have lifetime access to the BioFit Program?
◉  If you complete all the content and submit all the assignments by February 14th, you will have lifetime access to the program as long as it is running. 
◉ You will be notified if we change platforms—so you will have the ability to download all the content.
What other investments will be needed to complete the program?
◉  We recommend that you use:
          - ODX to run blood chemistry report through and that is about $20/month
          - Genetic Detoxification is $30/report
◉ We’ll be passing special discounts onto the BioFit Members, and recommend that you include any cost of testing as a part of the fee to work with you.
◉ Ultimately, it’s up to you as an independent practitioner, adult learner and savvy business owner. 
What genetic software will we be using?
◉  To get genetic information we recommend using 23&me or Self-Decode.
◉ We’ll give you all the links and available discounts we were able to secure for BioFit Members to order the recommended tests and analysis softwares. 
How long does it take to get back blood chemistry lab results?
◉  It depends on the lab, the number and certain biomarkers. To be conservative it can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks.
◉ This is EXACTLY why we intentionally have 1 whole month for you to prepare, find your 10 case studies you want to work with and set-up for success.
◉ Not to worry—we give you options to choose from and ALL, I mean ALL the information, links, swipes needed to reach out and find 10 people to work with.
◉ The 10 cases studies—can be your own, family, friends, people from church or social groups, and using labs that have been previously done are fine.
How long does it take to get back genetic results?
◉ It depends on the lab, and the time of year.
◉ 23&me often runs specials and especially during the holidays a lot of people give genetic reports as giftTo be conservative it can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks.
◉ This is EXACTLY  WHY—we intentionally have ONE whole month for you to prepare, find your 10 case studies you want to work with and get your program pre-work done.
Do I have to take on more clients to use them as case studies during this program?
◉ The case studies are NOT clients that you have to take on—that’s up to you.
◉ The strategy behind completely 10 case studies is that:
          - You’ll gain experience, grow your clinical skills and confidence FASTER when you work with REAL LIFE people, not just paper ones.
          - There is a very very very good chance that after you DO the Functional Blood Chemistry + Genes Starter Sessions with 10 real life people with real life                     problems they want solved—will want to work with you.
          - And viola—you’re building a practice and getting an ROI on BioFit.
◉ You can work with ANY current clients you have and offer this as a service to them.
◉ We’ll cover ALL of how to do this step-by-step inside the program.
What should I charge the case study clients I’ll be working with?
◉It depends. We’ll cover guidelines for this step-by-step inside the program.
◉ I’ll be giving and teaching you how to use a simple excel sheet to take the drama out of figuring out what to charge. It’s amazing, can’t wait to share it with you.
◉ It makes figuring out what to charge for your services, packages and programs super easy. No ick factor.
What will the cost of the blood work panels I will need for my 10 case studies?
◉ It depends on the lab, the number and certain biomarkers.
◉ You can use past lab work, current comprehensive panels are recommended.
◉ We’ll be providing different options—depending on a client's resources, needs and goals.
◉ Along with how to order them through their practitioner or independently.
What time are the LIVE calls?
The LIVE calls are every Tuesday from 2-3 pm ct
How do we form our power pods?
◉  There will be an excel sheet for you to enter your name, time zone, niche/speciality so you can form your own groups of 4, along with a Power Pod leader.
◉  Inside the program you’ll know exactly how these will be structured and guidelines for how to work together.
Is this program still right for me if I’m new to functional medicine and if I’m just starting out?
◉  YES! Oh my gosh YESSSSSS!!!
◉  I wish this was available to me when I first started—could’ve saved myself +$100k.
◉  That is the power of having proven frameworks, strategy, mentoring and out Learn Do Apply™
◉  You’ll learn best and fastest by doing.
◉  Trust me—I’ve been teaching other teachers, clinicians and practitioners for decades.
◉  Teaching, concise and clear curriculum—for multiple learning styles and is our strength, passion and purpose.
◉  Nothing lights me up more than mentoring practitioners to greatness.
What if I’m outside the US or am in NY, NJ or AZ, can I still order tests for my clients?
◉  Yes. And we’ll provide you with all the resources to order them for yourself and how you can make this available for your clients.
◉  There are various work-arounds and more and more companies are making direct access to functional testing easier.
I’m still doing other certification programs, should I wait to do BioFit?
◉ The clinical experience, mentorship, access and the ability to connect and collaborate with other high-caliber practitioners alone is worth the time and investment of BioFit.
◉ BioFit will support(+ fill in any gaps) of current programs you are in. I know because I’ve researched and even done many of them
Can I order tests as a health coach?
◉ There are many direct to consumer labs.  We recommend that you get your clients to order their own tests

Do you offer private 1:1 mentoring during the program??
◉ Yes. We have the capacity to provide additional VIP support to 15 BioFit members for an additional investment, first come first serve basis.
◉ You’ll get 2 60-minute 1:1 mentoring sessions and direct messenger/voxer support and access Dr. Ritamarie + Dr.Yvonne
◉ Reach out if you’re interested and we’ll confirm if this is right for you.

One last truth…

…just in case those mind-monkeys are getting rambunctious…
You don’t need to have a million ABCs behind your name to be a health practitioner that can consistently and predictably attract clients, get results and charge high-ticket.

It starts with the HEART.

Having the capacity to care.

This will drive your I-CAN and must-figure-it-out factor and desire to continually grow,

…to honestly evaluate where you need to develop your skill set, systems, and when to seek out qualified mentors and community.
It’s about being 100% authentically *YOU*, being seen and not staying the best kept secret—

So that the people you’re meant to serve can find and be helped by you.

I hope you join us in this high-touch action-oriented group program, and become a part of the incredible high-caliber community and movement to..

BECOME the health practitioners of the future that support healthier and happier individuals, families, communities and societies.

Let’s build a Better, More Sustainable World Together.

See what these Next Level Health Practitioners are saying about BioFit….

Your BioFit Mentors…

Dr.Ritamarie Loscalzo

Founder of Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology™, Co-creator of The Next Level Practitioner Project™ and The BioFit Blueprint Bootcamp™
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology™, is passionately committed to transforming our current broken disease management system into a true health care system where each and every practitioner is skilled at finding the root cause of health challenges and uses the wisdom of nature combined with modern scientific research to restore balance.

Dr. Ritamarie, a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in Acupuncture, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine and HeartMath®, specializes in digestion, thyroid, adrenal and insulin imbalances. She’s also a master at using palate-pleasing, whole fresh food as medicine and is a best-selling author, speaker and internationally recognized nutrition and women’s health authority with over 30 years of clinical experience. When shes not elbow deep in interpreting functional labs and helping people transform their health you can find her running on the beach in Costa Rica or swimming in her pool.

Dr. Yvonne Castillo

Integrative Pain Specialist and Co-creator of The Next Level Practitioner Project™ and The BioFit Blueprint Bootcamp™
Dr. Yvonne Castillo helps active adults 40+ get to the root cause of their health puzzle and problems with a comprehensive functional analysis of their blood work and genes. She uses these functional tests guide for the creation of a personalized holistic step-by-step plan to be permanently pain-free, have all-day energy, reach and sustain their ideal weight—without wasting boatloads on the wrong supplements, endless expensive testing, counting calories and only allowed to eat cardboard for the rest of their life.

Her signature Root Cause Reset™ helps people experiencing pain, weight gain, low energy and deep down know something’s “wrong” even though all their labs keep coming back “normal”, been “seen” by their GP, endocrinologist and laundry list of specialists who can’t pinpoint what’s wrong, going on and what to do to reverse it for good, and naturally.

When she's not helping people fix the true source of their pain, weight gain and low energy, you can find her running at the beach or hiking the trails of Santa Barbara with her sweet 93 lb Ridgeback Paolo, serving at her church teaching 1st grade, in the garden transplanting her latest succulent explosion or battling over a “friendly” game of Mexican Train with her family.

Dr. Yvonne has over a decade of experience as a Integrative Pain Specialist and holds a Doctorate and Masters in Physical Therapy, is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner- Candidate, Gluten-Free Practitioner, Pilates and Barre Instructor, and Instructor Trainer. She is also the co-creator of The Next Level Practitioner Project™ 3-Day Summit and The BioFit Blueprint Bootcamp™ that mentors functional health practitioners in her BioFit Method™, equipping them to utilize a Functional Blood Chemistry + Gene Assessment Starter Session to amplify and accelerate their clinical competence, critical thinking and build a sustainable, ethically alignment and predictably profitable functional health practice.

Medical Disclaimer: The information shared is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with aqualified health care professional and is not intended as medicaladvice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information fromthe research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com,and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your ownhealth care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with aqualified health care professional.

 2023 Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. MS, DC, CCN, DACBN All Rights Reserved.

*** Your EXCLUSIVE Code to get 65% off is Valid UNTIL AUGUST 31, 2023
after this date BioFit will be $5,500.00 ***


** Filing out this interest form will help make your call with Dr. Yvonne more effective and ensure that you are a right fit for the program before investing time to talk to her **


Watch Dr. Yvonne’s talk as she shares how she uses her BioFit Blueprint Method ™ to conduct her uber high-converting Functional Blood Chemistry and Gene Assessment Starter Session™ to enroll clients into her high-ticket signature program, VIP Days and wellness continuity programs.

She also shares raw, real life, fluff free Case Studies at the end—so you can “see” the impact and POWER of data clients can’t deny—it’s life changing and saving…just see the results…

*** Your EXCLUSIVE Code to get $65% off is Valid UNTIL AUGUST 31, 2023
after this date BioFit will be $5,500.00 ***


** Filing out this interest form will help make your call with Dr. Yvonne more effective and ensure that you are a right fit for the program before investing time to talk to her **